Originally Posted by CarlaDarla
Good lord man!! What in the world have you been doing? I never thought carrying a Zebra phone case could get you banned from all those places
Some people just have no tolerance
But seriously, what did you do?
haha, alright,
well westcore shopping centers I had like 30 people playing hide and go seek tag throughout the entire malls.
Meaning you could go in the back hallways that are for employees, go on the roof
[ if you knew how
We did this at a few of them since we'd get banned just from the one we did it at,
but they eventually caught on.
We were planning to do it to the scottsdale shopping mall (where all the rich or wanna be rich snoby people shop here) but we were going to get like 50-60 atleast.
I was going to try to shoot for around 100 people, but that's just wayyy too many I think. haha
Walmarts and toysrus are for the same thing.
Bike races.
But we would set up a course throughout the stores,
and the only rule was no shortcuts when racing.
Otherwise you were highly encouraged to try and push each other over or grab things off the shelf as you're riding and throw it at the opponent to try and get ahead of him/her. lol.
Then there's the one I'm planning for walmart for halloween.
I hope to get it on the news.
Building a website to try and entice people into doing it in other cities too.
If you know the game Super Smash Brothers,
then you'd love this up and coming event.
Mcdonalds, well the good ol tray down the slide. but we would keep doing it with every tray we could get and they'd all bust. hahaha.
and then we took a couple too, put them under my back tired of my car, had the ebrake popped, and then drove on assphault with them still on the back tires.
My car was front wheel drive so it would just slide around. (highly recommend trying, but do at your own risk lol.)
That would tear up the food trays like no other though. haha.
La-z-boy me and my friends just went in and were tag with a couple bases,
but you could only be doing certains to be considered being "on base"
like if a certain couch was base, then you'd have to jump up and down on it constantly, and the rules were different for each base.
Welcome to my life.