Hey guys, My name is Josh. I've been using HTC Phones for quite some time. I have 2 Mogul's. 1 Apache, Three Vogues, just sold a built and flashed to cricKet Diamond, And I just bought a Touch Pro.
I'm a huge car guy, mainly DSM's. I have a 1994 Eagle Talon that recently dyno'ed at 460 to all 4 wheels uncorrected...
I've been using a Palm m515 color to Data Log my car so I can tune with my laptop. Both my Palm and Laptop connect to a serial cable, that connects to the diag port on my car's ecu. For laptop connection I had to get a null modem adaptor for the DB9 Serial Port. The Palm I just connect the palms old serial sync cable to the car's serial cable and boom, I can check ecu codes, reset codes and make a log of everything my car is doing, from engine temp, injector pulse, knock, WB02, you name it! This guy on a nationwide DSM Forum brought up logging with a Windows Mobile Device, He is using a Touch Pro also. He mentioned a piece of software that is free, a Palm Emulator, To run the MMCD (data logging program for Mitsubishi/DSM, and only for Palm) program on the phone, and he went onto mentioning a proper usb->Serial adaptor, that would make the car think its connected to a laptop or palm (I can do both with the null modem adaptor)...
My phone with MMCD Running on a program I found, but costs 50 bucks.
Anyone understand and think you can help me out on where to go to get it working?