I don't know if this will happen to anybody else but when I tried to run your Custom_Ruu.exe. Nothing happened at all. I had to copy to a file with the Rom_Udate_Utility.exe for it to run but its flashing now will post comments soon.
EDIT: another thing I noticed. Thank the all mighty one that I got that UGLY UFO off my screen, lol but with your pic when the phone starts to load is nice but... When I tap it, the pic disappears and I got the FAMOUS WSOD (White Screen Of Death). It sits like that for bout 2 min then starts to load. Only way I could tell was the spinning wheel on the WSOD..... when the wheel freezes I hit the screen then it goes to the align screen. I haven't Hard reset yet as its still loading but will post comments when I do a hard reset. But so far so good