Originally Posted by askwhy
I don't know if welrope went through the procedure you asked him about here but myself and others with the issue definitely have, and without results in this case. From reading this and other Build 23003 ROM threads where this issue has been reported, my own opinion is that it seems likely to happen (when it happens at all) irrespective of flash method, number of flashes, flashing stock first, extra hard resets, soft resets, re-download and re-installs, whether you install extra apps or leave it as cooked...Some have claimed success at eliminating this problem with one 'method' or another, but I don't think a true solution has been found yet for the end-user...
I've been following the issue over at XDA, mainly in the 23003 kitchen thread - I think your right. I just thought I would throw that suggestion out and see if it would help for him.