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Old 07-06-2009, 10:27 PM
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Exclamation Spacebar/period closing apps?? and a few other issues.....

SO about a week ago my phone started closing which ever application was currently running (text, ie, anything) whenever I use the spacebar or period, and sometimes the question mark.

Any ideas why?

I asked a guy at a kiosk and he said to take it to a store for a software update. I did a hard reset and still have the same problem.

This is very annoying.

Also, when I am in internet explorer, typing in a web addy it lags behind severely. It shows up at about a rate of 1 character every 2-6 seconds. Again, still present after a hard reset.

Sometimes my buttons seem to remap themselves. The messaging button will pull up the calander, the ok button will pull up messaging... that kinda thing. This usually goes away after a soft reset... at least for a little while.

Has anybody else had any of these issues?

I will take my phone to the store but I don't have a car at the moment so who knows when that will be.

Sofornowallmytextmessageslooklikethisveryannoyinga ndconfusing


HELP! please.
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