Originally Posted by sliderider
i got radio 1.59.10a onto the device fine..... but i cant get imcokemans 2.31 unlocker on!
I tried both methods:
1) connecting to the device with USB in boot mode and running 2.31 exe file
2) using the sdcard in FAT32 format with VOGUIMG.nbh image of 2.31 nbh file
Im not sure if there is anyway to overwrite on SLP 0.41.coke (theres been mention of 0.41 being write protected)?
anyway to overwrite 0.41 with 2.31????
1, does the phone into windows os?
2, if it does active sync then run the exe
2a if it doesnt boot into windows go here
get the telecom rom which is for radio version you have got now.