Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||
Yes... that's what we're talking about. I flashed yesterday and had no problem, but it was plugged in most of the day. Today on the battery, I had to reset my device about 6 times to get back into it. Also... it drains the battery big time when it's frozen. It was nearly dead by noon. I start at 7am and only made two phone calls and checked email once.
I'm going back to the earlier build to see if it's more stable.
PS: You do have too much in your sig line Tommy
John Becker -- Beck PC --
EVO 4G ... after 8 years of Windows Mobile devices, I've given up on WM toys and switched to Android. This is the way mobile should have been!