Originally Posted by anonymity
I am trying to flash my Verizon TP with the new(ish) MR1 upgrade v2.0 and it just won't flash. I am currently running a custom ROM running WM6.5. Do I have to flash it back to stock before using this update? If not, what else do I need to do before running the upgrade? I am using the file I grabbed from http://pcdphones.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=110&cid=1&mid=328&carrier =Verizon%20Wireless.
I suppose I should mention, I keep getting an error when trying to flash. (See Attached)
Try extracting the exe with Winrar then run the utility that way. It however will result in not upgrading the radio. I should mention the pagepool really needs set to 10. 6 does nothing but cause serious lag.