Originally Posted by askwhy
Moving on to my issue(s)...I realize most of you didn't have the failure-to-power-on-from-standby problem at all, and NRG has replied to my question in his XDA thread that he also has not seen this issue. So be it. I appreciate the reply, and the brilliant roms. Has anyone who WAS experiencing the intermittent failure-to-power-on-from-standby issue with 7/05 EnergyROM 23003 found any solid workaround(s)? Just rabidly curious...I know there were are least 4 or 5 reports of it here in this thread alone...any success?
great.....so i wasnt having this problem, then i read ur post, put my phone in my pocket, went to the bathroom and washed my hands, pulled my phone out and it wouldnt wake up from standby, i had to soft reset, opened up opera to reply here but then the restaurant im at called my number for my food so i put my phone back down, ate, reached for my phone and dead. 2 times in a row in less than 20min, uh oh, how do i fix this problem from not wanting to wake up while sleeping?