Originally Posted by themuffinman
Yep thats what you got to do, you got to always make sure you keep your woman happy. Everytime I get a new phone she gets a new one too, everytime I go out and spend big money on anything I have to come home with something for her too. A few months ago I bought a beautiful panasonic 58" plasma and all I could think about is what the hell I can buy her to get her to forget about the tv. Needless to say it cost me a pair of diamond earings plus having to take her shopping, but hey anything is worth getting her just so she won't nag my brains out.
Originally Posted by heydjbobby74
I must say, this thread has alot of potential!!!...lol
haha, no joke.
Open GL and the cage are two of the others I'm recommending for the thread if the year, if this gets even more entertaining, I might just have to throw my vote in for this one too.