Re: Convert Altel Touch Pro to Verizon network
Re: Convert Altel Touch Pro to Verizon network
Hey Butch, are you already on Alltel and being merged to VZ or are you buying an alltel TP to be placed on to your already existing VZ service? If you already have Alltel then you have nothing to worry about they will merge it all on the 12th.
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Already on Alltel and being merged to Verizon. I thought it would be an easy transition from the package but when I called Verizon to talk about what happens after my Alltel contract ran out (soon) the lady said we would HAVE to change phones. Like I said, I believe they are just trying to sell phones, especially after you guys got me straightened out on the ESN change.
Last edited by butchwhitt; 07-05-2009 at 04:49 PM.