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Old 07-05-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: WMWifiRouter v1.50 Now Available

Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot View Post
And you know this how? Can you give an info on how you can prove this? I'm not saying you lying but you kinda know the rules. Pics or it didn't happen

by recording/keeping your info on their end, you can hard reset your phone all you want, and they still know when you installed the software and if your trial period had expired. it has been confirmed by people who used up their 21 days trial, and have reported that re-installing wifirouter after a hard reset or a new rom flashed onto their device, wmwifirouter still know that when the device had wmwifirouter installed and had expired.

i use the free .91 version. i feed the phone internet connection into my router with wmwifirouter .91. the router then feed the internet connection to my PS3, laptop and desktop. since my router is configured for security enabled, all my connections are secured. i dont need any other option in the newer version, so i dont see any need to buy the latest and greatest. btw this is the only way to connect your ps3 to the internet via your 3g phone because the ps3 does not do an ad hoc connection.

Last edited by sadthai; 07-05-2009 at 12:40 PM.
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