Originally Posted by Edwood
I soft reset my phone all the time. WMWifiRouter is just not stable on the Touch Pro. Hopefully they fix it in the future, but I have a feeling it's a problem with the Touch Pro.
How long does it take to "aquire network address" when you try to connect to WMWifiRouter via WiFi? It takes 70-90 seconds, vs. the 3-5 seconds with ICS Tethering via USB. And the 1-2 Seconds acquiring a home Router's Wifi.
Sorry to hear this cause I have the touch pro and mines connect just fine with EVERYTHING and it connects fast. I'm running the stock rom maybe if your running a custom rom that could be the problem since some ppl had problem with wmwifirouter with a custom rom. So like you said its not stable just not on your touch pro

cause it runs like a champ on mines