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Old 07-04-2009, 03:56 PM
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Re: Windows 6.5 Titan

Originally Posted by bbsandkm View Post
thank you i adore making it. im not going anywhere i just cant keep up with "the latest builds" as promised. you should try mattsm work he has all types of roms and options.

Great build, I enjoy it very much.
You are probaly enjoing your vacation (well deserved i'm sure), but there is the one little issue regarding WMPlayer. I know that mattsm is looking into it.
Do you know of a cab file that would re-install the compete player?
I found some files in my other 6800 (21501) \windows folder, that I copied to SD card, then to (23001) \wimdows folder, and now I get a skin.
But I still can't get G-Alarm to accept the player.
I don' want to interupt your time away from "techie" stuf, so I can understand if I have to wait.
I have been talking with Jörg, over at ageye,
and since the new V2.1.2 of G-Alarm, WMPlayer is manditory (at least for the normal alarms).
And from what I have read about jdume's kitchen, the nuekernel is not supported. I need the RAM! The swich is handy.
So enough whinning (for now).

Enjoy your 4TH.
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