Originally Posted by Whosdaman
Ok I want to see this video Cody (and I do remember you saying that)
lol, I dont' feel like searching for the video anymore.
were like 40 copies of the mobile world conference tp2 release that would pop up whenever I searched with anything that would even be the remotely-est related to the TP2.
now I can't even find one.
what gives.
edit: okay I found some versions of the video now,
but they're all the short ones. :/
I had the extended one saved in my book marks, it was 45 minutes long,
but it was deleted by the user,
and I can only find 15 minute ones. :/
Originally Posted by horndoctor
I would like to have the Touch HD. But it probably won't be CDMA.
eh, I was looking at that a while back,
but no thanks.
I'm waiting for a year to see what will be out.