07-03-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: htc hero hit fcc
Originally Posted by syanni85
not even worth it to tell you the truth... they've been working on it for so damn long, and its more functional on the GSM TP than the CDMA... you get messed up colors and not a clear resolution on the SPrint TP. On top of that, alot is not functional.
I bought a vogue just to have android on it (fully functional) but the 1.0-1.5 versions of android are so simple it gets boring after a few days.
The new hero interface has been ported and tested on a G1 but its hardware can't handle it, thus it runs SUPER sluggish... maybe some guys will optimize it, only time will tell.
anyways, wouldn't hope on it workin on the pro ever
ya i was reading whats been going on over at xda. how they can get it working right.