Originally Posted by thacounty
This has nothing to do with the hardware of the phone, and since mine and most other peoples problems on here have been hardware I don't see how this would work.
I second that, the statement about the SD card is false. The reason for your keyboards going out is pressure overtime on the spacebar, the ribbon cable running from the keyboard to the circuit board is directly under the keyboard and it attaches to the keyboard their as well, pressure overtime causes the ribbon to fail. Another "theory", (which I haven't found to be true in most cases, but its possible) is that the ground contacts on the circuit board for the keyboard have been bent and aren't making contact to ground the keyboard, which causes it to fail, or be intermittent. This is unusual, as the only way to get this to happen is to somehow jar them enough to bend them or just a factory defect. So the SD Card theory is false! NEVER seen this happen, not sure how a faulty SD Card would cause hardware like this to fail.