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Old 07-03-2009, 12:14 AM
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Question Diamond data issues - RESOLVED ! Woo Hoo !!

Hi Guys,

I've been wracking my brain over this one for days with little progress. I've searched the forums high and wide as well as the Internet as a whole without success. I've called Telus Tech support numerous times trying to resolve the issue to no avail.... This post is somewhat of a last resort so here goes...

I bought a used Telus Diamond from a fella in Calgary about a month ago and only activated it on the Telus Network a week and a half ago as a replacement for my Vogue. I love the phone and have been busy trying custom ROMs, etc and getting it just the way that I want it.

The issue lies with the data connection. Basically the phone stays in 1X after a voice call and won't come out of it till a soft reset. Initially, the phone shows Ev in the top bar but as soon as I use it to make a voice call, it reverts to 1X (as it should) but won't switch back to Ev after the voice call has finished. Also, if I use the data connection in Ev after soft resetting it, it behaves like my Vogue did before it's REV A update and won't ring if there's an incoming voice call.

Honestly guys, I'm pulling my hair out over this. Is there any way to completely refresh the phone back to the factory state (i.e., deeper than a hard reset) and start from square one again? Telus support are of the opinion that it's a hardware issue but I suspect it's because they want me to shell out more $$$ for a replacement (it's out of warranty by 2 weeks!). I know that you guys are way smarter than me (and Telus tech support incidently) and am hoping that you may have some things for me to try prior to my throwing in the towel.

Cheers and thanks in advance!


Last edited by airborneaussie; 07-05-2009 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Problem solved
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