Originally Posted by joojoobee666
I thought I read about someone else having the same issues. Maybe both issues are related to provxml files not being executed on the initial boot? (there is a provxml for the themes as well). The reason I think this is because I saw someone on XDA forum with all kinds of weird crap due to provxml's not working properly after changing kitchens. (No resolution)
Some info I found on testing provxml files:
This is all assuming that the XIP is good.
Update: I did read that permission issues could cause the provxml files to not be executed. They should all be marked as Hidden, System and read only. You can verify this by looking in your dump folder at the provxml files, or go to the command prompt in your dump folder and run "attrib name_mxip.provxml" and see what attributes they have.
Update 2: Found some code (thanks Anryl) you can add to your kitchen to make sure permissions are correct. Use this on the \temp\dump before building the imgfs.
cd dump
attrib S00? +H /S
rem attrib *.* +A -S -H -R
attrib *.dll +S +H +R
attrib *.exe +S +H +R
attrib *.lnk -S -H -R
attrib *.csv +S +H +R
attrib *.htm +S +H +R
attrib *.mui +S +H +R
attrib *.doc +S +H +R
attrib *.dat +S +H +R
attrib *.provxml +S +H +R
attrib *.xls +S +H +R
attrib *.xml +S +R
attrib *_manila +H
attrib *manil* +H
attrib *.mid +S +R
attrib *.vol +S +R
attrib *.txt +S +R
attrib *.wav +S +R
attrib *.wma +S +R
attrib *.png +H
attrib *.brn +H
attrib *.gif +S +R
attrib *.jpg +S +R
attrib *.bmp +S +R +H
REM Fix for smartskey.inf
attrib *.inf -S -R -H
attrib +A +R +H +S *.provxml
attrib -H -S -R *.jpg
attrib -H -S -R *.bmp
ECHO. Fixing Attributes
I don't know if this will help or not, but I guess it can't really make things worse since you don't have a fully functional ROM anyhow.
so i checked the .provxml files like you suggested, and only 2 of them were hidden files, none of them were read-only files, and none of them were set as system files. So how do i make the visual kitchen assign the correct attributes?