Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090629 -- Custom Glass Rhodium Manila --!> (WM6.1 2105
PSYK - I was always taught, "u get more with honey than u do with vinegar."
Not only that... but some CHEFS are WAAAYYYY to fricken sensitive. Not too sure what kinda dude u are... so im defaulting to being as nice as possible. Btter safe tahn sorry.
Happy to hear that u are playingg around with 6.5. Im eager to try out what uve got in the works.
Good Luck and Happy Modding.
I love: Swype, Pandora, AmonRa Recovery and Touiteur.
I hate: Swype (haha), 4G dropping constantly, screen protectors and losing signal in the DC subways