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Old 07-02-2009, 03:45 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Has anyone seen this in the Diamond Thread? Its a fix for the Windows Mobile bubble that pops (flashes) when you receive a call using HTC Dialer Slide to Answer. It works when phone is unlocked either off or on, the Slide to Answer screen comes up without interference. When phone is locked it has a small delay before Slide to Answer appears. When answered it takes you to the Windows Mobile keypad then relocks when hang up. I don't ever lock my phone so that part could probably be tweaked a bit inside those registries. I am on MightyROM5 6/09/09 and under the Bubble folder i deleted the entry BubbleBorderThemeImage even though it didn't say classicblue but Mightymnb. Under the Toast folder i deleted ToastBorderThemeImage even though it didn't say classicblue but Mightymnb. Of course did a soft reset after to take effect and it worked smooth. Maybe you all can try and can improve and needed.

Original posted by OMNICRONX back on May 8. Then again posted by PTFDMEDIC. I just did the reg edits and it worked flawlessly.

Originally Posted by omnicronx View Post
Ok everyone, I've looked into the offending regs of 6.5 themes that result in the incoming call bubble popping up when using the HTC dialer (and the phone is on).

This reg:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Bubble: BubbleBorderThemeImage
set to '\Windows\classicblue_msgboxBorder.jpg' with calcs default theme is the main problem. When this entry is deleted the bubble no longer pops up over the slide to answer screen, but there the words 'incomming call' still appear from the bubble popup.(i.e this is the big offender)

This reg:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Toast:T oastBorderThemeImage
currently set to \Windows\classicblue_toastBorder.jpg

Removing this entry gets rid of the 'incomming call' text, resulting in nothing but HTC slide to answer showing up when the phone is on and you get a call.

The problem here is these reg entries obviously reference image files for the new context menus. The thing is I can't see any changes for the life of me, even after I delete these entries (and soft reset multiple times to make sure) everything seems to work fine, and I still have the fully working context menus, borders and all. I've gone through as many context menus as I could and I could still see no difference (between reg entries there and delete).

You guys can try it out, if there are no issues then perhaps we need to make 6.5 themes with this in mind. (at least for those that want to use the HTC dialer)

edit: or perhaps even find the underlying issue, I find it strange that these pictures cause the bubble to come into focus.