Originally Posted by gator352
Ads will never be placed on a WM platform. Why? Because the ads google is planning is for the webkit based browsers. I.E. Android and Iphone. The Iphone will be more suseptable to this as you can't use any browser you want, your stuck with the safari mobile browser. Android on the other hand, you can use a different browser like fennec (firefox) that's being developed, but it still will be based on webkit approved and distributed by google. So you can't avoid the ads. So your stuck with what they give you.
WM, has a slew of mobile browsers. You can use full browsers such as Opera 9.x, IE 8, or use mobile browsers such as PIE, skyfire, etc. Too many different platforms for google to code for. you don't like one browser, you can just delete it and add another. And WM doesn't use webkit based browsers at all so WM is safe.
I agree with an above poster that I will not go the route of android, google because of this. I also assume, most people will eventually get annoyed of said ads and leave android high n dry. If WM goes this route (and they won't) I will leave it too and find a different phone.
Your right.....but your saying google won't code for all the mobile browsers on WM if they get the chance? lol...they didn't stop them from doing it on every Browser for Windows
Google is an almost trillion dollar industry, they will do whatever it takes to keep making more and more money....but Seriously, who cares about ads? It's only on Google.com from what they show, just use Yahoo then....
I mean, Windows has ads all over the f'ing place and you still use that, right?