Originally Posted by madcook
is there a kitchen for dummies im lost trying to create 1
Did you read Da_G's instructions?
The big thing is to delete the files you don't want (and are sure aren't needed
) from the SYS files. Then add in your converted EXT/OEM files.
Load ROM (first time you do it, you'll only have one choice, so open that one).
Scroll to the bottom and dbl-click all your added files so they say True.
Create ROM.
Once it's done, I go to Kitchen directory and use the PP changer that I know how to use- make sure you browse back to the correct file [ruu_signed.nbh] as it will go to the last one you used it for. For me it opened to an nbh file from another kitchen!
Dbl-click Custom_RUU.exe.
You know the rest.
I'm about to try the last step for the first time and see what kind of result I get.