Originally Posted by Pibe38
This app was never, it is not, and will never be 'ready for primetime'. It sucks, but there's nothing we can do.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the backstory and kind of figured as much. I just thought that for as many people as there are that are still using it, maybe someone had come up with roundabout hackjob ways to correct some of the issues.
I guess what I'm really looking for is an alternative program that threads text messages. I tried out
Textr since it looked pretty awesome in the screenshot previews, but man oh man did it ever turn out to be a flaming abortion. Slow, buggy, takes over your hardware keys -- really lame product. The best solution I've been able to come up with is to just leave the stock client and to use PocketCM's SMS threading feature when you want to see a conversation-style view. PocketCM is a lovely program, but it really takes an uncomfortably long time for it to start up, and the screen orientation switch from portrait to landscape feels really sluggish as well.
Oh well. Perhaps someone else has or will come up with a better solution. This is one area that the iPhone is really kicking our ass.
Palm Treo 800w: RealVGA @ 96dpi, WeatherPanel with PhatPhinger 320, phoneAlarm Pro, UltimateLaunch, Conduits Pocket Player, Opera Mini, and IM+.