First off, holy crap this thread moves fast. Don't check it for a day and you have 15 pages of HOW IS VIBRATE FORMED?!
- After a dozen hard resets and a few re-flashes I can now consistently answer my phone.
- Alarms don't work for me. I'm using the default alarm program that is tied to the default clock.
- Using the reg edit to turn off the vibrate worked fine, but I still want the vibrate for the touch display. Turning this on in TouchPro Tweak does nothing. Actually nothing in TouchPro tweak seems to work for me and reading through the last 100 pages, I seem to not be the only one.
- There are a handful of goofy issues people have talked about, like getting stuck in the contacts, that I'm having as well. Unfortunately most of these posts were drowned out yesterday by people with sigs a mile long that couldn't read the last 3 pages and then spent more time whining about people being helpful.
Now I see how forum NAZIs are born.
- GPS EXIF data is still not added to my pictures