Originally Posted by Snoman002
Yes, thats it exactly, or thats what it used to be. Unfortunately I dont have that option. If I go to messaging -> Menu -> Options -> Storage Tab there is no longer the "When to delete" dropdown list. I only have "Use Storage Card" and a dropdown for "Empty Deleted Items".
If I immediately end a call I cant make another for minutes, last night it was more than 5 minutes before I could use the phone again. I just tired it again. When using the end hard button, it either ended and locked up (PDA functioned, phone locked up), or it continued to make the call even though I had no options to end the call. If I use the SIP then the phone just locked up, currently going on 10 minutes and the phone still wont work. It only seems to happen if I end the call while it is still dialing, if I end the call after it goes to "Connected" all is fine.
Thanks for the provising script, that may lead me in the right direction, however I have never done any provisioning scripts so I need to figure out what I need to do to make it work first.
Thanks all!
That option is missing on mine as well. I never used that one before, but it's definitely not on the storage tab.
I tried making a call and hanging up immediately, then making another call right away. The second call went through fine. I get some hang up lag sometimes, but never the minutes you're talking about. That's very strange.