Originally Posted by Whosdaman
Idk, but I don't use it, I use WM and will continue to use it because I prefer it, I'm just showing the other side....that's it
Android like WM will make mistakes along the way so have iPhone....and so have WebOS and Nokia....but anyways we will see next year what happens, the bad part is no one will beable to test WM7 unless they are over exaggerating on what WM7 will call for
ok from what i was reading it seems like you think that android is the os that will out perform everybody. honestly when it comes to sales figures i agree with you. It will lore most iphone users once it gets more apps and support. now the thing about android is they are open source but will make thier money via ADVERTISING! I swear to god the day that i have to look at advertisment on my phone will be the day i go back to a house phone.