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Old 07-01-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: Best way to keep battery in low signal areas

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
Also, if you don't need Evdo (Data), then put the phone into 1x.
It will save alot of battery because it doesn't have to keep trying to search for the evdo connection.
Not necessarily. It reallly depends.

If the phone is continually going back and forth between 1x and evdo, then yes this will help.

My home has zero cell service, and I have an airave there... so perfect 1x signal. If i leave my phone sitting around overnight on hybrid mode (default) I lose 6% battery overnight... 100% repeatable. If I force 1x only it goes down to 4% overnight.

So a 2% difference over 8 hours. The big drain comes when it switches because the device wakes up when it switches.
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