Originally Posted by jaytv
File corrupt errors (270) at the 100% mark are normal with the colonel's roms for now...simply use the tool cody referenced above at the end of the flash, then a hard reset, and the new rom will be there and working fine...
I must say, however, that perhaps custom beta roms may be outside your comfort zone at this time...
thanks for the update....
just one more question...when i run the "titan_exitbl" which is the tool that cody talks about it keeps giving me this message about making sure active sync is disabled or that my usb is properly connected. makes no sense. obviously my usb is connected if it just finished updating the rom...and i have gone into windows task manager and ended the mobile sync center which is what vista uses...i went into the "process" tab and ended all the active sync and windows mobile stuff in there and im still gettting this message.I also tried the "uni_exitbootloader_180" and im getting the same message...i would appreciate any help thanx