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Old 07-01-2009, 11:06 AM
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Re: Holdem Tournament Timer App?

Yes on your questions of 2nd/3rd/etc pages... The front page should remain uncluttered and contain the minimum stuff for the timer, blinds, round #, next blinds, etc...

What I mean by: "denote how many of each chip each player gets based on the number of players entered"... For example, I have my chips I use for my tourneys... Others have their chips. I have most reds, then blues, then greens, then blacks, then whites. I use an excel spreadsheet the I enter the $ value of my reds/blues/etc... Then In a cell I enter the total $ starting amount (not the buy in - Buy in could be $20 but our blind structure is set up for a $1500 starting amount). My spreadsheet then calculates how many reds/blues/etc... each player gets. However, if we want to change the starting amount to $3000 (for example at another tourney) have the app recalculate how many of each chip each player gets. Make sense? The starting amount changes when we want to keep the same blinds but adjust the length of the tourney... Just an easy way to calculate stating chip count is all. Not necessary, but you asked for my requests...

For #2, I don’t really care either way. second option is fine. But if you do first then put in a pause button on the timer screen so we can pause the timer (break or game) anytime we want.

For #3 I would round to the nearest $. Nobody brings change to a tourney. heck almost nobody brings anything other than $20s since they all stop at the ATM on the way over!

Cool, let me know what you come up with... I'll help in any way I can. I am actually a C# developer (client server & web) but have never written a windows mobile app. Sounds like a good time to start looking at the code structure.

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