Originally Posted by Rourke Swift
Another thing you might try is bumping your SCI up a notch.
I live in a pretty low-coverage area too, and just going from 2 to 3 made a marked impact on my battery performance; however, I really don't care if it takes my texts a couple extra seconds to show up, or if the person calling me has to listen to 1 more ring before I answer. YMMV.
Right on! I forgot I had changed this to 1 when I got my extended battery -- and at the time I was getting such a solid signal with the Telus radio -- but for whatever reason since switching to WM6.5 ROMs I seem to have been getting pretty lousy signal with all radios and my battery life has suffered. Changing this back to 2, or 3 as you suggested should make a noticeable difference.
Thank you for bringing this one up...