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Old 07-01-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

Originally Posted by Rourke Swift View Post
OK mate, I'll try to break this down for ya step-by-step like I did it... this might be like a mini "How-To MR4 Kitchen" for ya.

1. The first thing you do is extract the kitchen file Maverick attached for you here into it's own folder. This is your "kitchen."

2. Next, unzip the MightyROM4_21051.rar file. You only want the SYS folder and the ROM_Herman folder from here. Put the SYS folder in your kitchen. Rename the ROM_Herman folder to just "ROM" and put that in the kitchen too.

3. Next, create a folder inside the kitchen called "OEM," and unzip the MightyROM4_OEM_6.25.09_Herman.rar into that OEM folder you just made.

Almost there! But one last thing that hasn't really been covered... you need an RUU folder too! Don't worry, I got you covered.

4. Go ahead and create a folder called "RUU" in the base kitchen directory, then extract the contents of the attachment I've provided into it.

If everything went right, you'll have a kitchen that looks just like the picture Maverick posted. Now, run the Build_ROM.bat file from the base directory, press 1, and you're ready to start building.

Something to note: as Mighty himself said, most of his OEMs do not include an options.xml file so BuildOS will look pretty sparse. Adding and Removing OEMs is another topic for another post and probably another poster.

Good luck!
That's what I was trying to say! Forgot all about the RUU folder and that the OEM's dont' extract into and OEM folder. Thanks Rourke!

Last edited by Maverick77; 07-01-2009 at 08:42 AM.
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