Originally Posted by carmine
When i go on this site using explorer or opera (newest one) and i try to login it keeps telling me that the id or pass is wrong and wont let me login. But when i do the exact same thing on my pc it allows me to login with no problems and im 110 % sure im putting in the correct login& pass because iv tried a million times.
Anywey when i go onto the page it seems to only load about 80 % of it. it dosnt show the video section , i beleive it uses flash player.
So my question is there a way to login to this site so i can watch live nhl games this upcomming season
I had a similar problem on nhl.com. Page would load but some of the content would not play. Went to adobe and downloaded Flash Player 7 For Pocket PC. Installed it and no more problems with Flash content.