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Old 07-01-2009, 02:52 AM
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Re: Overflow of information...need a bit of direction :)

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
its all personal choice.
you have to read each rom's thread.
there's tons of these threads about which rom is right for me.
sorry to sound like a a**,but search and you'll find all these threads asking this same question.

now that I got the normal disclaimer out of the way.
I use Nfsfan's rom, and love it as most who try his rom do.

Thinking about Energy rom(I've heard nothing but good things about it)
Fair enough, although I read every every rom's post to the fullest AND visit their webpage AND google the sh*t out it so try and attempt to see what performance tweaks are included . NFSfan's ROM is one of the ROM's I each their wasn't for me. I'm amazed at the plethora of information out there if you search enough...although it would be nice if someone took a few weeks out of their life and organized the info into a handy reference!

By the way, here is an interesting read I found...I'm impressed the guy read up on MSDN and summarized community findings:

Anyways, next up for me is Mighty ROM .
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