Originally Posted by jake044
i cant get that clock to work right it just shows the default one
that's actually a custom bronzeres.dll that i was working on. it was never really completed. just in case you don't know, the bronzeres.dll includes the slider and all of the icons for titanium
Originally Posted by enzyme
Was there a cab for the steel theme? Did I miss it?
well, i couldn't seem to get the cab to work so i didn't want to release it into the wild only to mess up peoples' themes. it works when i cook it into my ROM, so all of the files should work. there must be something wrong with my cab. unfortunately, my wince cab manager trial ended, so i can't make cabs anymore. it's pretty expensive and since i don't really play with WM much (which might change once the pro 2 comes out), i couldn't justify purchasing it. as a last resort, i could install it on one of my other computers and make a cab that way.
with all that being said, i do have a cab file i made that didn't seem to work, which i said i would be willing to give to people to beta test.