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Old 06-30-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by Sporkman View Post
im shocked this is still open
As am I. What happened to the forum rules. There were hardcore a few weeks ago, and now it's just chaos here.

I think that one major point that some folks may be missing here is that "competition" among chefs is one of the main factors that progress the quality of the roms. Every chef wants to have what's "best" and fastest. If chef "A" implements something, you better bet that chef "B" won't be far behind, and may have something to push the envelope a bit further.

Case in point, just a few months ago, no chefs were building 6.5 roms, for fear of MS pulling their roms. Myself and one other chef started building 6.5 roms regularly. Next thing you know, everyone is getting in on the action. I think that's great! We need the competition to push the envelope and get the best possible experience from our devices.

Aslo, most chefs do discuss ideas and issues regularly. Personally I talk regularly with a half a dozen or so known chefs and we talk in detail about ideas and whatnot, via IM or PM. Mighty and I talk usually at least a few times a week, but our roms will never be even close to similar becauls we simply have a different methodology. Neither of our roms are "better" or "best", except for what suits any individual user.

Just be happy that you are getting a wide assortment of rom flavors to choose from (and for free). I like Rocky Road, and don't want to be stuck with just Vanilla.
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