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Old 06-30-2009, 03:30 PM
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Re: (Possibly) Working aGPS Solution!

Originally Posted by ribbz22 View Post
Yes, I wonder why they didn't build some kind of program to figure out where the phone is based on the local towers. You would figure with VZW's coverage this is the way they would have preferred to go. I guess extra work like that doesn't really fit into the Verizon business mold though....especially when they lock down stock features like this to begin with...

Too bad they couldn't have utilized both and used triangulation until a firm GPS lock was aquired. That would have been sweet.

They did. VZNavigator. Unfortunately it;'s crap, and Verizon want to charge you $10 a month to use it. Knowing Verizon, third party support for a-gps will NOT be enabled in the new ROM - they're not going to let you use their towers for anything without you paying.

Amyway, Thanks much Adryn! I'm not getting the results that others are (1.5-3 minutes for a lock for me, no satellites even detected indoors), but it's still better than the 15 minutes to never prior. I still can't seem to get a lock at all while driving - I need to stop and wait the 3 minutes or so. Could be my location, or maybe I just got a bum antenna in my Omnia. Doesn't matter - in a month or three I hope to be cruising an Omnia II!

Last edited by tedkord; 06-30-2009 at 03:33 PM.