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Old 06-30-2009, 02:12 PM
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Re: Alltel GPS with A-GPS - super fast lockon

ok I own a Alltel, AUDIOVOX PPC6850AL Touch Pro, Unlocked, SSK 2.3, my PRI is 128, i've *228, 1 and 2, reset, location is on, quickgps is almanacing, GPS still will not work, and I"m stuck in EVDO mode, somehow I lost my revA access with the SSK. anyone have any suggestions? I can deal with the EVDO connection, but gotta have my GPS. My 6800 was allot easier to unlock it's GPS. maybe there are certain flips or switches I have to set in the HTC GPS tool. I see it's set to com4, the baud keeps defaulting to 57600, i know that com4 is right, that's what it says under the "external GPS" settings, same way my old 6800 was setup. i hit open port, and it starts polling, the text scrolls, but satellite used is locked at 0, so is satellite fixed 0. tried bing and gmaps, doesn't complain that it can't see the gps, just doesn't ever see any sat's i guess, just sits there searching.
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