Originally Posted by p-slim
windows is already a competitor for palm/blackberry/apple. The tp2 isn't suppose to be a major upgrade to the tp1, unless you want a bigger screen and the speaker phone thats it. my tp1 can already do way more then all 3 of those phones so don't expect any updates from htc themselves. its like what more do you want from your touch pro, i believe there isn't any phone that can accomplish more then my tp. The only update they have coming is winmo 6.5 wich is actually coming from windows not htc.
well windows is the operating system, which many would argue is extremely antiquated. Even 6.5 is only applying band-aids to a much more serious fundamental issues with the WM platform such as multi-touch, and it's reliance on stylus. It's stability or lack-thereof is also nfamous on these forums. The biggest and probably only saving grace of WM is the openness of the platform and the ability for people to do things like cook ROMs and such. BB/Apple/Palm completely lock down their hardware to prevent that, most likely because they have direct control of their hardware.
HTC also needs to improve the quality of their phones. Granted they are probably the best producer of WM phones right now, but if they don't come out with phones with better designs/drivers/quality, they're going to fall behind and eventually people will have forgotten they existed. It would be a real shame as HTC is really the only contender for good WM phones with physical keyboards.