Originally Posted by Snoman002
Personally I don't think I agree with the Gov stepping in and trying to control a deal between two companies, unless such deal creates a monolopy which the iPhone does not.
Don't forget that the government is already involved in the control of cell phones. There are phones in other countries that we can't get here in the US because of the FCC not approving them. I would rather see the FCC stop handicapping phones because they deem that the consumers don't "need" features (higher megapixel cameras for example) than I would see them regulate more of which phones can be used with which carriers.
I would love to be able to use any phone on any carrier but that is probably never going to happen (not just because of the technology). If you look at other market places you see consumer "herding" i.e. the car industry. There are a ton of features that are exclusive to anyone car manufacturer, their hope is that you will want that feature enough to buy their product...that is exactly what they are doing with phones. This also drives carriers and phone vendors to be more competitive so that they produce a product that one ups the other guys (at least that is the hope!).
Anyway, time to put my soap box away. Just my opinion and like most things that happen with our government my opinion will die right here on this screen.