Originally Posted by MogulMongler
The person who originally posted this message probably has already straightened out his situation.
I would love to have a unique case for my DIamonD! o_0 (yay!)
So I felt a bit motivated when I check out one of the links mentioned and someone had a Russian website that detailed pic by pic, step by step on gutting your DiamonD!
Well I went on ebay and found a couple of cases by typing 'Diamond Housing' in the search field. Though some of these are really expensive, and some come with the tools...atleast there are options.
I saw plenty of OEM cases, some ugly Ed Hardy cases..and a black with white battery cover cases..which I like.
Either way I'll be looking into make this diamond a bit more personal.
One question, I noticed some Diamonds came with a flat batter cover and some with the edged back cover.... What is up with that? 1st & 2nd generation ?
Not necessarily. I have a sprint diamond with a burgundy flat back. If you were to go to other certain carriers such as I wireless that have the jagged black cover. Just depends on the carrier!