Can we stop the ROM madness?
Hi, I just recently started playing with all of the ROM's on here with mixed results. It seems to me there is no perfect ROM, however the creators seem to all say theirs is the best. This whole thing seems like one giant mess where there are 15 to pick from with no idea how well it would work for you. Everyone that downloads them always wants more or less in the rom and the creator either makes yet another one off or is smart enough to not do it as that would create more issues down the road.
My suggestion is the creators of all of these ROM's should form a partnership and create one group of ROM's all based on the same thing. There could be sprint builds, alltell builds, no TF3d etc, but it is all off the same base. This would be by far the best for the end user as it would eliminate the confusion of which one to pick. This would require a lot of working together, but imagine how much more progress would be made if everyone were working for the common good, not just themselves! not only would the roms be better and get better faster, but fixing issues would be much easier as well.
I know everyone has thier opinions of what should be in there, but this whole thing reminds me of why linux really doesnt take off...there are too many flavors!
So, all of the ROM cookers, this is my challenge to you....can you work together for the common good, or is haiving your name on a rom more important to you???
I propose "Unified ROM 1.0" should be created by the best people in here. This will show how good these can be, and how much better they can be in a short amount of time. I am sure the novice-mid level end users in here would totally agree with this, but they are not the ones i need to convince.
Cookers, please let me know what you think!
AP all day!