In that case, I think it's very silly that the Titan forums linked to those pages. I figured based on the reputations of the users that posted them, what worked for Raphael would work for Titan.
- Titan_relocker to SPL 1.04, RUU to ROM 2.09.605.8, Radio 1.30.00, PRI 1.35
- nueSPL 2.47, Radio 3.42.50, ROM PPCkitchen 6.5 21501 (PRI 1.46)
- QPST'd to, 8889, IP, PDE; reset
- Serf Telus, reset
- Phone: Location On; External GPS: Program COM4, Hardware (None), 4800 baud, Manage automatically
- Installed HTC GPS Tool, reset, set to Q7500, COM4, 4800 baud, Cold Start
I found 1 satellite, but I'm in a medical school lecture hall, so I doubt I can see many from in here. I'll have to go outside to test it later.
Thanks a lot to serfboreds/joshkeller77, drewcam888 (hey, at least you can't say I didn't search enough
), and the Lord Almighty for preventing my phone from getting bricked in the process