Originally Posted by pdappcgeek
Setting the owner information was a pain in the rear end.. but so important because programs like memmaid call on the owner information for registration purposes.
the owner information was not as easy as looking for the registry changes... it involved transforming hex into... something else as the value in the key of the registry. I researched it a lot.. but I'm at a loss now on how to explain it.. sorry. Maybe someone else can pipe in...
The weather info is easy.. use the method i described in noticing which reg keys are changed
SASHIMI will backup your owner settings.
Run SASHIMI.exe(bin folder)->Tools->Registry->Backup Owner Info.
It should have exported HCU-ControlPanel-Owner to SASHIMI's "Backups" folder.
Now everytime I run SASHIMI autoinstaller, the first thing it says is "Restoring Owner Settings"
It's worked for me for a while... it just took me a while to find in the menus. Cheers!