1. There are 3 ways I know of: a. UC (user customization), b. Sashimi, c. mortscript
A. Juicy's rom is UC compliant (notice the [UC] in the title of the thread] UC is the process that runs when you hard reset and you see your carrier installing all it's stock programs. I haven't used UC.... BUT.. I'm pretty sure UC compliant roms calls upon the sdconfig file whicih is a normal txt file indicating which cabs to install. I don't know the specifics but I think you have to install the sdconfig in a specific directory (I believe on the storage card root) (do a search for sdconfig or maybe someone here can tell u)
B. Sashimi. (download here:
http://www.winmo-experts.com/ ) This is what I use. U install this program to your storage card. Roms can be SD compliant (sashimi compliant) I do not believe Juicy's is. It doesn't have to be though. With Sashimi u put all your cabs into a certain directory on your storage card and start up sashimi. It zips through them. I like Sashimi becuase it also will let you install registry changes. U put REG key backups in a folder called REG and it zips through those too. U can automatically set your email & password, owner information, all the serials to your softwares, weather preferences, etc... everthing.
C. Mort script is a little more complicated.. pretty much does a lot more.. i'm just getting into this
2. I don't know where the internet settings are BUT... Here's how u can figure it out (it lets you figure the settings for any program out:
use CeRegistryEditor. (attached) create an image of your registry with the program with stock internet settings. Then adjust your internet settings the way you want them. Use the program to compare your new registry to your image that you saved. Save the changes to a REG file. Put the reg file in your Sashimi REG folder. DONE!