Originally Posted by vesty16277
Ya it's under tools, but you will have the same problem. I once got it to list the number of text messages and watch the number decrease at about 2 messages per second. So if you're in the thousands than you will be stuck there awhile. What I do is just pick a time when I don't plan on using my phone and let it run for about 20 mins then soft reset and delete whats left by hand. If you don't feel like waiting I'll drag with my stylus large chunks like 20-50 at a time and delete them that way. There is no lag that way.
Yeah that's what I'm doing. I'm just down to Delete Items, which is being a ***** because you can only do 50 at a time. The only other way I did this before was a hard reset and well I don't want too. haha I finally got my phone working perfect and now going to have it screw up again.