Originally Posted by jimmiekain
Dude believe me I agree 100% but I just dont understand why they do stuff like that. Would it have killed them to leave the flash in there? It probly costs less than $5 for the supplies so they could easily have added another $25 to the price and I would gradly pay it! I gotta be honest I'm not a big fan of that mute button back there. Its a cool idea in my opinion but I would much rather have the flash than a mute button behind my phone.
OK, here's my take on the big flash controversy. The "flash" on the original TP (and every other phone I've used) is useless as a flash. Maybe if you are standing a foot away from the subject in just the right lighting the flash helps, but really it's not much use. The only thing I've ever used it for is as a flashlight. Of course the thing uses gobs of power when you use it as a flashlight. Now, what's the biggest complaint about the TP? The battery. So, why not remove the feature that really doesn't work anyway and uses lots of battery power. Seems like a good idea to me.