Originally Posted by mikejones13
Yep I can confirm this, I was camping in the Backwoods in Colorado all last week and I was trying to get a lock with the phone turned off, since there is no service up there. I have Garmin, TomTom and iGO8 and everyone of the apps took FOREVER to lock with out the phone trying to connect to data. Even though there was no data/voice service where I was, the only way I got a GREAT lock was to turn the phone off of airplane mode. Then I was getting locks in 5-15 sec. But other than that I would only lock on 1 or 2 satilites with phone off and it would drop the signal, but as soon as it turned on it was 7-9 satilite locks.
if you didnt have service you couldnt have used aGPS since it uses the towers to triangulate your position. i have NEVER had a problem getting a sat lock with the phone in airplane mode. there is a long thread about the GPS working without signal. the whole time you were trying to get a lock GPS tools was still running, which is why when you tried it again after turning the phone back on you were getting faster locks. the VZN touch pro does not use aGPS. read the bored GPS sticky at the top of the forum.