Originally Posted by SComp23
So technically all we should have to do is delete the SmartTouch files on the ROM and then install the OEM Diamond SmartTouch files?
Alright I'm going to try this. I might have to do a hard reset first because I've messed with a bunch of reg keys trying to fix this and forgot what I did, lol.
Edit: Still won't work. After I try to rename it, it goes right back to .dll
I'm going to suggest you try using Resco Explorer (if you don't want to pay for it, just get the trial version).
I just used it and did exactly what I told you to do- I even had an issue when I tried to change the tmp file back to a dll. I had copy/past the original file (that I posted for you somewhere else) from my PC. Only then was I able to delete the smarttouch.tmp file.
I see you already tried Resco.
I'm out of ideas. Sorry.
That OEM that I posted shouldn't be credited to me... I got it from the Kitchen. Not sure if it was from Calkulin or indagroove, but it was one of them for sure.