Originally Posted by Solange82200
Yay, I was able to get into my google voice now that I reset my password. What do you guys think of this idea, tell me if you think it will work. I want to be able to use the call recording and other features offered by google voice, but everyone already has my work cell number and my personal cell number, and I dont want to give out a whole new number. What if I forward all my calls from my cell phone numbers to my google voice number (using *72 from Verizon, my cell carrier), which in turn forwards the call BACK to my cell since I have it that way in Google Voice settings? Would that maybe add too much of a delay from when someone calls me to when i get the call, or do you guys think it will work? Let me know if I am saying it in a confusing way, hopefully you guys know what Im talking about
That Idialer program posted above looks interesting, I wonder how it will work on my Omnia...
I don't think it would work as the call would get stuck in a loop. unless you can selectively call fwd, or us voip to answer the call.
Edit; actually if you can set fwding on busy/no answer on the cell, then you could ignore the call 1st, then answer when gv calls